All You Need to Know About Your Baby’s Teeth Development
Did you know babies are born with a full set of 20 primary teeth (also known as baby teeth or milk teeth)? You just don’t see them as they haven’t emerged from the gums.
This timeline will tell you the order in which your baby’s teeth will appear.
In 6 to 10 months: Those cute front teeth, known as the central incisors, in the lower jaw, will emerge.
In 8 to 13 months: The central incisors used to cut food, will appear in the upper jaw now.
In 8 to 16 months: The lateral incisors (the ones on either side of the central incisors) should emerge, with the ones on the lower jaw appearing first.
In 13–19 months: The first set of upper and lower molars — flat teeth used to crush food — should come in now.
In 16 to 23 months: Those pointy canines (used to tear food) emerge in this time.
In 25 and 33 months: The second set of upper and lower molars are the last set of teeth to appear.
By the time your child turns 3 years old, s/he will have the full set of 20 teeth. Don’t worry about any space between their teeth, as your baby’s permanent teeth will fill it in around the age of 6.
How do you take care of your little one’s teeth?
Give your child a well-balanced diet that is rich in Phosphorus, Calcium, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. It’s essential for the development of their teeth.
Avoid giving your li’l one sweets like sugary drinks, juices, ice creams and cake till they are 2 years old as it could lead to tooth decay.
Massage the gums using your fingers or a soft, wet cloth as the teething process can be discomforting for your baby.
Get a cold teething ring as gnawing on something cold can relieve the discomfort teething causes.
Apply some teething gel if your baby is facing a lot of pain. You may also consult your paediatrician whether a teething gel can be used.
Maintain oral hygiene by brushing their teeth with low fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush after they complete 18 months.
Visit a dentist for a routine check-up after 12 months. However, if you spot any tooth decay before 12 months, then consult a dentist immediately.
These tips will come in handy when your baby starts teething. May your baby have a perfect set of pearly whites and a beautiful smile.
Author Bio: Prapti Chauhan is a former leading physician and currently a health care blogger. The author believes in providing reliable, rich quality and valuable resources on all healthcare topics specifically stem cell banking and cord blood preservation.